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Dita Botërore e përkujtimit të viktimave në aksidentet e trafikut rrugor, Kosovo

Eduard Lir, 158 Prishtine 10000 AlbaniaEduard Lir, 158 Prishtine 10000 Albania


# WDoR2021 activities will last 4 days according to the following calendar:
1. November 18, 2021, time 10:00 – Press Conference (Tempulli)
2. November 19, 2021 at 10:00 – Round Table on Road Safety (Online)
3. November 20, 2021 at 10:00 – Voluntary blood donation for people injured in traffic accidents (Tempulli)
4. November 21, 2021 at 18:00 – Lighting candles for all victims of traffic accidents (National Theater)