Together with important Italian NGOs and Organizations, we will participate in a Webinar on Monday 16 November 2020 from 6.00 pm.
ITALY VISION ZERO. Sustainable Italian cities, road safety and the 2030 Agenda that will see protagonists: Edoardo ZANCHINI, Vice President of Legambiente, Giuseppe GUCCIONE Presidente of Luigi Guccione Foundation, Alfredo GIORDANI Vice President of #Vivinstrada Network, Silvia BRUZZONE First researcher of ISTAT, National Institute of Statistics, Anna DONATI Spokeman of AMODO (Sweet Mobility Association), Kyoto Club, Roberto Pallottini, President of the Rome Road Safety Council Capital, Antonio RAGONESI, Head of Safety and Legality Area ANCI – National Association of Municipalities of Italy, Angelo STICCHI DAMIANI President of ACI – Automobile Club of Italy, Viviana Ferrero, Vice President of the Municipal Council of Turin and Andrea Colombo, Councilor of the Municipality of Bologna.