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Viata dupa impact, Romania

str. Gageni nr. 107, Ploiesti 100137, Romania

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  • Facebook campaign

Between November 11th and November 17th, Industrie Mica Prahova SA and Drumul in siguranta weblog are implementing the campaign “Viata dupa impact” (“Life After The Crash”) in support of #SaferRoadsPledge, a road safety project initiated by The International Road Evaluation Program (iRAP), The International Road Federation, and FIA Foundation. Early this August, Industrie Mica Prahova SA reiterated its concern regarding road safety by signing the pledge for the #SaferRoadsPledge campaign and demonstrating its support towards the accomplishment of durable development objectives in the area of road safety and the 12 global performance objectives of the United Nations in terms of roads safety. This campaign is dedicated to all those who protect the safety of our roads and/or contribute to saving the people involved in traffic accidents. They can be police officers, firemen, doctors, road builders, or simple citizens who prevent road events by using the roads in a responsible manner, thus protecting themselves and the people around them.
