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Next Monday, November 9 at 6:00 p.m (ARG) we will meet at the Virtual Colloquium (Google Meet) to reflect on the relatives of the Traffic Victims and their suffering from the abrupt loss of their loved ones. What are its emotional repercussions, the consequences on their life quality, and what is being done and what is pending, in Europe and Argentina, to provide them with assistance and support, from the crucial moment of facing the news of the tragedy onwards. Free registration at

Exhibitions at the Colloquium:

Lic. María Cristina Isoba, psychologist, Director of Research and Road Education of Luchemos por la Vida.

Eugenia Doménech, lawyer, Honorary President of P(A)T, Prevention of traffic accidents (Spain)

Viviam Perrone, Founder of Madres del Dolor, co-chair of IRVP (International Road Victims Partnership)

Dr. Pablo Ranni, Legal Advisor for assistance to victims and relatives of victims of road accidents, National Road Safety Agency of Argentina (ANSV)

Dr. Juan Olmos, Director of interjuridisional coordination and regulations of the National Road Safety Agency of Argentina (ANSV)