WDoR Events Span Over Multiple Days
Around the world, countries are choosing to mark the World Day of Remembrance with full weekly programs of awareness campaigns, marches, discussions and many more.
The UK’s yearly Road Safety Week, marked this year from the 14 to the 20 November, is an awareness raising event taken up by many organizations at both a local and national level. Find more here.
Kosovo “puts the spotlight on JUSTICE” for WDoR 2022, planning several events between the 14 and 20 November. These activities will be supported by National Ministries and Associations. Link to the program here.
The Pakistani Transport and Road Safety Foundation has also prepared a full week’s worth of diverse events (from 13 to 20 November) across many locations – more information here.
In Kansas, the Department of Transportation “has taken the lead on several methods of recognizing WDoR though a wide-spread electonically delivered campaign” in their WDoR Recognition Week – find out more about the initiative here.
In Rhodes, Greece, the Efthyta Road Safety Observatory plans a walk and musical event on the 18 November, as well as a memorial church service on the 20 November. A press release and decoration of the city’s central square are also planned. Find more details here.
Finally, in Brazil, the Marituba Department of Transit and Transport will be carrying out an educational circuit aimed at municipal school system students – the week of the 21 to 25 November, they have planned conversation circles, music, games and other activities to educate and sensibilize children. More information here.